St. John's website map is a collection of plain text links to all of the pages on this new website. Site maps are standard on most websites and are most commonly linked from the footer section of each page. This feature provides a resource for our site visitors who are having trouble finding the site information they are looking for. A site map assists in helping search engines spiders to index all of the content on the site.
Making Things Official: We ask that all individuals and families who participate in the parish life of SJE register in the parish. It’s pretty simple! Just contact the Parish Office and one of the members of our Pastoral Team will meet and greet you and maybe even show you around the place. Please contact the Parish Office at 631.878.0009 or email
The Sacrament of Baptism: We love to welcome new people into Catholic faith! Baptism ceremonies are held every Sunday at 2 p.m. Parents wishing to have a child baptized must meet with one of our parish priests or deacon and be part of our Belonging preparation process before the Baptism. Contact the Parish Office at 631.878.0009 or email to for more information!
Pastoral Care of the Sick & Anointing of the Sick: Our parish wants to pray for and with those who are seriously ill or facing surgery, as well as those in danger of death, should receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. Please call the Parish Office and ask for one of our priests. To include you or your loved one’s name on our sick list, please contact the Parish Office at 631.878.0009 or email to In addition, our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion bring communion to the homebound—both those temporarily unable to attend mass and those who more permanently cannot attend mass. Please contact the Parish Office for more information.
Rite of Christian Initiation For Adults (RCIA): Do you want to become Catholic? We want you to become Catholic too! Adults who wish to be baptized, or who have been baptized in another Christian faith and wish to become Catholic, or who have been baptized Catholic and wish to be confirmed and receive Holy Communion, are invited to join the process of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Please contact the Parish Office at 631.878.0009 or email
Adult Confirmation: Adults who have been baptized Catholic and who have received Holy Communion but who desire the Sacrament of Confirmation should enroll in our Adult Confirmation process. This process begins during Lent each year and concludes on the Vigil of Pentecost. Please contact the Parish Office at 631.878.0009 or email
The Sacrament of Marriage: Catholics planning to be married should receive the Sacrament of Matrimony. Please contact the Parish Office at least SIX MONTHS before the desired date of your wedding. To begin this process, you will meet with one of our parish’s priests. You can do this by contacting the Parish Office at 631.878.0009 or email Are you married civilly and want to have your marriage recognized by the Catholic Church? We are happy to help! Please contact the Parish Office and we will walk with you through this simple and engaging process.
Pastoral Council: Allyson Boyle, Secretary Angela Werner, Vice Chair Joseph McDonald, Matthew McCarthy, Matthew Pomaro, Chair Patti LeBlanc, Peter Leuthardt, Renee Mintel and Trudi Norton
Finance Council: Elizabeth Harrington, Enes Carnesecca, Brian Leavey, Secretary Angelo Rollo, Tom Tebbens II and Katie Waller, Director of Operations.
Parish Trustees: Elizabeth Harrington and Angelo Rollo.